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ICEcoder 8.1

It's completely free!

Code editor awesomeness your browser

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ICEcoder features: Live editing, smart file system, JSHint Linting ICEcoder features: Colour picker, jump to definition, image eyedropper ICEcoder features: Security settings, plugin manager, find & replace builder ICEcoder features: Live bug reporting, change themes/events, open source & rich API

So, what's ICEcoder?

ICEcoder is a browser based code editor, which provides a modern approach to building websites. By allowing you to code directly within the web browser, online or offline, it means you only need one program (your browser) to develop sites, plus can test on actual web servers. After development, you can also maintain the website easily, all of which make for speedy and smart development.

Because it can be web based you can use it from any internet enabled computer with a modern browser and because it's built with commom web languages, you can customise it to your liking, integrating with online services. If you'd like to use it as a desktop code editor, no problems, you only need PHP 7.0+, so you can use on Linux and on PC via WAMP or XAMPP and Mac via MAMP (or another PHP installation).

Code editor features

While it looks simplistic on the surface, ICEcoder packs a whole load of features and plugins to make coding slick & efficient. Some of the best include:

Use online or locally
use online or offline Use it online from wherever you are, but it also runs under localhost too as a desktop based solution.
Multiple cursors
multiple cursors Create multiple cursors and make text changes to affect all of them simultaneously.
themes 80+ highlighting themes come as standard but you can easily make your own with a CSS file.
Find & replace builder
find & replace builder Find and replace can be applied to the current or all open documents, plus filenames & files.
Login secured
login ICEcoder can be setup wherever you wish and is login secured to help keep your files safe. It's multi user too!
Type boosters
type boosters Plenty of coding assist is available such as Emmet, close tag completion and tag wrappers.
Visual code diff
Visual code diff Have code differences between 2 sets shown visually, including in-line highlighting of changes.
Code Hints
Code hints Your JavaScript code is linted with JS Hint as you type to ensure good coding practises.
Database management
Database mmanagement Database management is easy with the Adminer plugin. It's like phpMyAdmin, but better.
What's new in v8.1?

This version contains regex search on find and replace plus regex validation on input, double click tab to collapse file manager, clickable warning label if not valid root dir set, FTP removed, login and demo modes isolated, first user is admin, better password rules enforcement, active line number highlighting, can set scroll speed when going to line, can set whether typing in find input auto-scrolls to next result, bug reporting now using ICEcoders own error.log by default plus lots of tweaks and bug fixes!

Ready to install ICEcoder?

Step 1: Get ICEcoder

ICEcoder 8.1

or: git clone

Step 2: Place in your document root

Put in a new sub-dir URL such as 'ICEcoder':

Setup folder

Step 3: Set write permissions

The "owner" and "group" are likely root for that ICEcoder dir (and sub-dirs & files inside). That could be be a problem if the web server is running as www-data user. So update to the right owner & group so ICEcoder's able to work.

This can be done easily on Linux with:
chown -R www-data.www-data ICEcoder

You may want to do this on your website dirs & files too, if they're set to "root" user too, else ICEcoder won't have permission to update them when you save using ICEcoder. So if your site is at "/var/www/html" you'd run:
chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/html

Start coding!

Visit the sub-dir URL in your browser and enter a password.

Setup domain

Now you're setup, logged in & ready to code!

ICEcoder has been used by awesome people at...

Affinity Solutions AT&T Collider Dell Fedex Gov UK

Lyft MSN Picturemaxx International Target Visa Zipplin

...and nice things people have said about ICEcoder...

I have to say that this is an incredible product. Have been using it for a couple of weeks now and it saves a tremendous amount of time.
John Eubanks