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User Gallery at ICEcoder

We ran a competition to get an idea of what people were building with ICEcoder and wow, were we blown away! We picked 10 winners who'd get an exclusive ICEcoder branded USB key and a free unlock code, but picking those 10 was so tricky, we have a few honorable mentions too. So, here are what our awesome users have been working on...

SP Adaptive Sports (Australia)

The design, UX and UI behind this site hugely impressed us. Slick, fun and engaging, kudos to the developers!

SP Adaptive Sports

Xenomurf (USA)

Great site for a band of game designers, slick UI and animations from a dedicated crew at the Xenomurf


Cryptology Rooms (UK)

Real life puzzle solving games in a couple of locations in Britain, this is a great site to promote nerdy games

Cryptology Rooms

Homedika (Indonesia)

Well designed site, that connects health workers and health facilities with the community to provide health services


YT Handler (Spain)

This YouTube video handler is simply 4 lines of HTML, but shows just what ICEcoder can be good at - quick demos!

YT Handler

Legend of Fangury (UK)

A fantastic little 8-bit style game with multiple levels, music, coins and monsters! Love it!

Legend of Fangury

Foodies (Pakistan)

Built as a hobby site and for his friends to discover amazing restaurants to dine at, it's a great single page design.


Balsam Mountain Preserve (USA)

Videos, tonnes of info, a great design - this innovative site for a peaceful mountain retreat has so much going for it

Balsam Mountain Preserve

Varianty (Ukraine)

Topical news site for Lviv, nicely designed and packed full of news content, with slick navigation animations to boot


Yogic StartPage (Hong Kong)

Beautifully designed and customisable start pages to share and begin your browser journey from, lovely stuff

Yogic StartPage

Honorable Mentions

We had a really tough job deciding the top 10 winners from all the entries and felt these 7 other sites were worth mentioning as highly favoured by us. We'll give free unlock codes to these fantastic runners up...

The Knock Off Podcast (Australia)

Insited (Australia)

MyTraq (Germany)

Scout Space (Australia)

Red Internet (Turkey)

ECAPP Project (India)

Congratulations to all winners and honorable mentions. This competition has been such a huge success we're sure to run another one soon, so if you weren't a winner this time, definitely enter the next competition with us.